Birthdays for Bethany

Birthdays for Bethany

Become the
first donor!

  • About

Donate your Birthday and raise funds towards our work ending homelessness in Scotland.

Birthdays are a fantastic opportunity to come together and spread joy and generosity. Swap your birthday gifts for donations and make an impact as we work towards a future without homelessness together.

We are so thankful you have joined us. Your support makes all the difference, and we couldn’t continue our vital work without you.

Here is some of the impact your fundraising could have:

£45 – can provide a starter pack of essential food for someone moving into their new tenancy after experiencing homelessness.
£75 – can provide access to three community based counselling sessions for a young person with experience of homelessness or its surrounding issues.
£200 – can provide a new sofa for a vulnerable household.



About Bethany Christian Trust

Bethany Christian Trust is a national charity dedicated to ending homelessness in Scotland one person, one family and one community at a time. Every year we support almost 7,000 people with over 30 different services spread across Scotland, from Dumfries to Stornoway.

Our services focus on homelessness prevention, crisis intervention and housing and support, alleviating the suffering and meeting the long term needs of people who are homeless or vulnerable. Whether someone is at risk of losing their home, in recovery or already out on the streets, Bethany will be there to help.